The Tampa Garden Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating, beautifying, and conserving our environment.


National Garden Clubs, Inc. Flower Show and GreenFest Hosted by Tampa Garden Club
An NGC FLOWER SHOW represents the official designation for any flower show adhering to the standards established by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC), as outlined in the Handbook for Flower Shows. This encompassing title includes various categories such as the Standard Flower Show, Small-Standard Flower Show, Horticulture Specialty Flower Show, and Design Specialty Flower Show.

Objectives of an NGC Flower Show

Educate both club members and the general public.
Provide a platform for creative expression.
Foster a heightened interest in horticulture and floral design.
Communicate the goals and objectives of the NGC.

Tampa Garden Club’s Annual NGC Flower Show and GreenFest

Dates & Times:
Saturday and Sunday March 29th & 30th from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm 

Every March, the Tampa Garden Club hosts an NGC Flower Show at its beautiful Bayshore location. Alongside the flower show, we also host a GreenFest vendor market. Browse and purchase plants, garden tools, supplies, and even garden art! During GreenFest you may also encounter the opportunity to attend a class or listen to a Master Gardener Speaker! For more information on GreenFest days and times, please see our calendar of events.

General Rules of Tampa Garden Club’s NGC Flower Show

The Tampa Garden Club NGC Flower Show conforms to the standards established by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC). The Handbook for Flower Shows (HB), 2017 edition, with revisions posted on the NGC website, is the final authority for all issues not covered by the Tampa Garden Club’s schedule. Below is a list of general rules; all rules are outlined in detail in our Flower Show Schedule (see link below).
The NGC Flower Show competition is open to all members of the Tampa Federation of Garden Club Circles. With permission from the Flower Show Chairman, members of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. may also participate.
Prior registration is required. Registration forms are available from the Entries Chair of each division and are available online here.
Please check the Flower Show Schedule regarding specific requirements for the Division, Section, and Class you are entering.
All exhibits will be judged by National Garden Club accredited judges except for photography. Decisions by judges are final; awards may be withheld if not merited.
Each exhibitor is limited to one entry per class, except for the Horticulture Division—so long as each entry is a different species, variety, cultivar, type, or color.
For more rules and guidelines, review our Flower Show Schedule at the link below.

Additional Flower Show Information & Forms

Below are common forms needed for entering or learning about our NGC Flower Show. A new tab will open with the downloadable information or form. Entry forms may be submitted in person, by email, or online. Please review our Flower Show Schedule for submission deadlines.

For Online Submissions: Please click here for a step-by-step guide on How To Make An Online Flower Show Entry. Then proceed below to enter your form online.

For In-Person Submissions: Entries may be submitted in person at the Tampa Garden Club, 2629 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629.

For Email Submissions: Submission instructions are specific to the Division you are registering for—see your entry form for the correct email to submit your form to.
ALL Division Entry Forms
Download, Print, Complete, and Upload this form below.
Division II Horticulture Form
Download, Print, Complete, and Upload this form below.
Committee Forms
Download, Print, Complete, and Upload this form below.

Submit an Online Entry

Be sure you have downloaded, printed, and completed your necessary entry form and verified with our Flower Show Brochure and Schedule that you have all pertinent information before submitting your entry into the NGC Flower Show.
Submit Online Entries
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